When we began the process of adopting we knew we had A LOT of money to raise. $32,000+ is daunting when you think of it in one lump sum. Andy and I decided we just needed to tackle it a little at a time as the Lord guided us.
We began brainstorming ideas and praying about how to fund raise. Andy came up with the iPad mini raffle and because it was so successful with our last adoption we decided we should try it again. Andy wanted to set the goal of $1,000. I thought maybe we should be a little more ambitious and said $2,000. Neither of us really thought we'd reach that goal (not that we doubted God). Little did we know, God provided people in our lives who not only gave, but gave so sacrificially that we exceeded the goal!
We had Johnathan draw the winner on his birthday. We told the winner that they had won. They asked us to keep the money! Seriously? Yep. They knew the struggle of fundraising for an adoption. God placed them in our lives for such a time as this.
With the donations from the raffle and from other donations, we were able to submit our contract yesterday! This was no small chunck of change! THANK YOU to everyone who made it possible!!! We will also be able to submit our USCIS paperwork once we receive our home study!!!! We had a goal of submitting our contract on October 1st so we are ahead of schedule! God is so good!
Speaking of our home study, we just received word that our social worker received FBI clearance for Andy so they will be printing up our home study this week. Things are finally falling into place!
We now have to raise $6,250 for our dossier. Once that is submitted, we will be put on the waiting list for a referral. Our goal is to have the money raised by the end of the year.
In order to raise additional funds, we will be having a garage sale on September 21st. We have received so many wonderful donations and we will continue to accept items until the day of the sale. So if you are local and have things you would like to get rid of please let us know and we will come and pick it up!
We have also begun filling out the application for a Both Hands project. This is a really cool opportunity to help a widow in our community while raising funds for our adoption. You can see what it is all about here http://www.bothhandsfoundation.org/videos
So how can you help?
-PRAY! Please pray that our USCIS application and review goes smoothly, that our garage sale is a success, and that we are accepted for a Both Hands project.
-If you are local and have things to donate to the garage sale let us know!
THANK YOU again if you entered the raffle, donated items to the garage sale, gave a donation, or have prayed for us! We appreciate you!!
We began brainstorming ideas and praying about how to fund raise. Andy came up with the iPad mini raffle and because it was so successful with our last adoption we decided we should try it again. Andy wanted to set the goal of $1,000. I thought maybe we should be a little more ambitious and said $2,000. Neither of us really thought we'd reach that goal (not that we doubted God). Little did we know, God provided people in our lives who not only gave, but gave so sacrificially that we exceeded the goal!
We had Johnathan draw the winner on his birthday. We told the winner that they had won. They asked us to keep the money! Seriously? Yep. They knew the struggle of fundraising for an adoption. God placed them in our lives for such a time as this.
With the donations from the raffle and from other donations, we were able to submit our contract yesterday! This was no small chunck of change! THANK YOU to everyone who made it possible!!! We will also be able to submit our USCIS paperwork once we receive our home study!!!! We had a goal of submitting our contract on October 1st so we are ahead of schedule! God is so good!
Speaking of our home study, we just received word that our social worker received FBI clearance for Andy so they will be printing up our home study this week. Things are finally falling into place!
We now have to raise $6,250 for our dossier. Once that is submitted, we will be put on the waiting list for a referral. Our goal is to have the money raised by the end of the year.
In order to raise additional funds, we will be having a garage sale on September 21st. We have received so many wonderful donations and we will continue to accept items until the day of the sale. So if you are local and have things you would like to get rid of please let us know and we will come and pick it up!
We have also begun filling out the application for a Both Hands project. This is a really cool opportunity to help a widow in our community while raising funds for our adoption. You can see what it is all about here http://www.bothhandsfoundation.org/videos
So how can you help?
-PRAY! Please pray that our USCIS application and review goes smoothly, that our garage sale is a success, and that we are accepted for a Both Hands project.
-If you are local and have things to donate to the garage sale let us know!
THANK YOU again if you entered the raffle, donated items to the garage sale, gave a donation, or have prayed for us! We appreciate you!!